Journal of Applied Biosciences (J. Appl. Biosci.) [ISSN 1997 - 5902]

Volume 11: 576 - 583. Published October 31, 2008.

Feeding habits and growth parameters of Hydrocynus forskalii and Alestes nurse in River Benue, Nigeria

Ogbe FG*, Ataguba GA. and Okosuwe EH.

Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2373 Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

*Corresponding author e–mail::


Objective: To investigate the feeding habits and the relationship between growth parameters of two characid species during the dry season in River Benue at Makurdi in Nigeria.
Methodology and results: Sampling was conducted between November 2005 and April 2006. Total length (TL) and Standard length (SL) were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm and weight to the nearest 0.1g. Analysis of the stomach contents was done by the frequency of occurrence and point methods. The length-weight relationship equations are: Log W=0.3393 + 1.11958Log L (r2 = 0.6182) and Log W= -0.0919 + 1.5362LogL (r2 = 0.7134) for H. forskalii and A. nurse, respectively. Fish materials and whole fish dominated the diet of H. forskalii while fish materials alone formed a significant portion of the diet of A. nurse.
Conclusion and application of findings: The growth pattern of the two fish species was determined to be negative allometry. This study has identified the diet of the two characid species in the dry season, which is of importance to fish biologists, aquarists and conservationists as it makes it possible to keep the fish under captivity.

Key words

Characidae, diet, growth, condition factor


Journal of Applied BioSciences

ISSN 1997 - 5902

The Journal of Applied BioSciences