Journal of Applied Biosciences (J. Appl. Biosci.) [ISSN 1997 - 5902]

Volume 52: 3652 - 3659. Published April 30, 2012.

Systematic study of genus Closterium Nitzsch (Chlorophyta) in a tropical area of Côte d'Ivoire.

*SALLA Moreto1*, DA Kouhété Philippe1, KOMOÉ Koffi1 et OUFFOUÉ Koffi Sébastien2.
1- Laboratoire de Botanique, U.F.R. Biosciences, Université de Cocody, 22 B.P. 582 Abidjan 22, Côte d’Ivoire.
2- Centre Ivoirien Anti-Pollution (C.I.A.POL.), 20 B.P. 650 Abidjan 20, Côte d’Ivoire.

*Auteur correspondant e-mail  :


Objectives: To take stock and contribute to the knowledge of the genus Closterium in rivers Boubo and Mé from South coast of Côte d’Ivoire.
Methods and Results: Six stations, three per River Boubo and Mé, were defined upstream to downstream. The planktonic samples were taken between May 2009 and April 2010 and fixed with formalin at a final concentration of 5 %. The samples were analyzed using an optical microscope Olympus CX 31 brand equipped with a digital camera. Some twenty-three taxa were described; nine were new in the algal flora.
Conclusion and applications of results: The knowledge of the taxonomic composition of Desmids of freshwater will enable better assessment of the state of pollution in the rivers coast of Côte d’Ivoire.
Key words: Phytoplankton, Desmidiaceae, Closterium, river, Côte d'Ivoire.


Journal of Applied BioSciences

ISSN 1997 - 5902

The Journal of Applied BioSciences