Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences

J. Anim. Plant Sci. [ISSN 2071 - 7024]

Volume 4 (3): 379 - 383. Published October 18, 2009.

Successful management of downer cow in Limuru, Kenya

*Mwaura Sarah Muthoni and Kiarie Ng’ang’a

Farm and Community Technologies Ltd, P.O.Box 967-00217, Limuru, Kenya; Kilimo Agrovet, P.O. Box 1493-00217 Limuru, Kenya.
* Corresponding author email:


A two year old Fresian heifer was presented with signs of parturition on June 6 2009. The heifer was agitated, and moved continuously around the pen due to labour pains. Two calf hooves were protruding out of the vulva of the cow accompanied by mucus discharge. The heifer was observed to be straining in efforts to push out the calf. The attending veterinarian diagnosed this as a case of dystocia because the calf was too big and was stuck in the dam’s (heifer) pelvis. After much traction, the calf was delivered dead. The dead calf was a large Fresian bull. After delivery, the dam remained down and unable to stand up in spite of repeated attempts to rise up. During the following two weeks the dam was treated as a downer cow. This paper documents the case management process. .

Key words
Downer cow, dystocia



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ISSN 2071 - 7024

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences

The Journal of Applied BioSciences