Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (JAPS)

J. Anim. Plant Sci. [ISSN 2071 - 7024]

Volume 7 (Issue 2): 29 June 2010


C.N. Macharia, C.M. Njeru, G.A. Ombakho and M.S. Shiluli.Comparative performance of advanced generations of maize hybrids with a local maize variety: Agronomic and financial implications for smallholder farmers. (Pages 801 – 809). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Song-tao Wang, Xiao-jia He and Rui-dong An. Responses of growth and antioxidant metabolism to nickel toxicity in Luffa cylindrica seedlings. (Pages 810 – 821). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

B. Essis, K. Kobenan, S. Traoré , D. Koné et  J. Yatty. Sensibilité au laboratoire de Mycosphaerella fijiensis responsable de la Cercosporiose noire des bananiers vis-à-vis de fongicides couramment utilises dans les bananeraies ivoiriennes. (pages 822 – 833). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Mzirai O.B, S.D. Tumbo, N.Hatibu, F.B Rwehumbiza and H.F. Mahoo. Macro-catchment rainwater harvesting systems: challenges and opportunities to access runoff. (pages 789 – 800). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]


Johnson O. Adejinmi andJoseph O. Osayomi. Prevalence of intestinal protozoan parasites of dogs in Ibadan, south western Nigeria. (Pages 783 – 788). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Cover page images: (L)Tomato fruit damage due to bollworm  (R)Leaf minor infestation. Credited to Maerere A.P et al . Sokoine University of Agriculture,Tanzania

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ISSN 2071 - 7024

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences

The Journal of Applied BioSciences