Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 
J. Anim. Plant Sci. [ISSN 2071 - 7024]
Volume 18(2): 2761 - 2774. Published June, 2013.

Effect of relative proportion and density on competition between Speargrass (Imperata cylindrical (L.) Raeuschel) and Maize (Zea mays L.) in a moist savannah of Southwestern Nigeria

Udensi Ekea Udensi1, 2 and David Chikoye3

1 Department of Crop & Soil Science, University of Port Harcourt, P. M. B 5323, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
2 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, P. M. B. 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria Consultant Agronomist, Cassava Project, South& South Eastern Nigeria Zones
3International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Director Southern Africa/Crop Production, Zambia
*Corresponding author: emails: ueudensi@yahoo.co.uk   or u.udensi@cgiar.org    

Key words: Competition, Maize, Speargrass, Relative yield Total

Speargrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch), is a major problem weed, causing severe yield losses in maize and other crops in the tropics, due it highly competitive ability over most crops. . A field study was conducted at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (7o 30’N, 3o 54’E), Ibadan, Nigeria between May 2001 and December 2002 to evaluate the competitive relationships between maize and speargrass grown together in replacement proportion. The trial was laid out as a randomized complete block design with the plant densities of 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32, 48 and 64 plants of either sole maize or speargrass per plot and  in mixed proportions of 2:2, 4:4, 6:6, 8:8, 10:10, 16:16, 24:24 and 32:32 plants of maize and speargrass per plot, and replicated three times. Higher maize density caused speargrass biomass reduction of 41.0 to 55.0%. Interspecific competition caused maize grain yield reductions of 1.7 to 18.9% when speargrass densities were between 4 and 16 plants m-2. Maize density beyond 8 plants m-2 caused grain yield loss of 7.6 to 47.9% plant-1 from intraspecific competition. Planting maize at densities between 50,000 and 80,000 plants/ha can enhance the relative competitive ability of maize against speargrass.



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ISSN 2071 - 7024

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences

The Journal of Applied BioSciences