Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (JAPS)

J. Anim. Plant Sci. [ISSN 2071 - 7024]

Volume 10 (Issue 1): 28 March 2011


Mamiro, D.P and Mamiro, P.S. Yield, mushroom size and solids content of Pleurotus ostreatus grown on rice straw basal substrate mixed and supplemented with various crop residues.(Pages 1211 – 1218). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

DEDI Juliette, OTCHOUMOU Atcho, Allou Kouassi. Egg incubation of Achatina fulica on humidified absorbent cotton and the identification of the fungi around the unhatched eggs (Pages 1239 – 1247). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]


Rachid Loukehaich, Mohammed Elyachioui, Nadia Belhabib, Allal Douira. Identifying multiple physiological responses associated with salinity-tolerance for evaluating three tomato cultivars selected from Moroccan territory. (pages 1219 – 1231). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

J.A. Enzonga-Yoca,  J.G. Nitou, V. Allou Kippré, R. K. Niamayoua, M. Mvoula-Tsieri1,T.Silou. Caractérisation chimique et évaluation de la température de conservation du lait des graines de cucurbitacées : Cucumeropsis mannii et Citrullus lanatus. (pages 1232 – 1238). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

V.C. Mbatchou, A.J. Ayebila and O.B. Apea. Antibacterial activity of phytochemicals from Acacia nilotica ,Entada africana and Mimosa pigra L. on Salmonella typhi. (pages 1248 – 1258). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

F. Mirzaei, S. Prasad and T R Preston. Influence of a dietary phytoadditive on the performance of does and respective litters in cross bred dairy goats. (pages 1259 – 1267). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Cover page images: Different varieties of Amaranthus species Credited to Maina Mwangi ,Kenya

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ISSN 2071 - 7024

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences

The Journal of Applied BioSciences